SH2-132丨Emission Nebula in Cepheus + Optolong Remote Station + Optolong L-UItimate

source:Optolongpopularity:148Release Time:2024-11-30

SH2-132丨Emission Nebula in Cepheus

Credit: Optolong Remote Station

Filter: Optolong L-UItimate filter 3nm dualband





SH2-132丨Emission Nebula in Cepheus
Sh2-132 is an emission nebula in the constellation Cepheus. It is located on the southern edge of the constellation Cepheus, not far from the boundary of Scorpius, along the galactic plane; the most suitable period for observing in the night sky is between July and December, which is convenient for observers in the northern hemisphere's terrestrial regions.
At a distance of about 3,200 seconds of separation from Earth (10,370 light-years), it lies within the Perseus Arm in the region of Cepheus OB1, the massive and bright OB star association. Ionised gas stars are very hot and massive. In particular, two Wolf-Rayet stars - HD 211564 and HD 211853 (the latter also abbreviated as WR 153) and a star of spectral class O8.5 V and about ten stars of class B. The O-class star and a Wolf-Rayet star extend clearly visible bubbles of radio waves in the optical band - Shell B which may originate from the star winds of two massive stars. A similar but smaller structure, Shell A, has a class K star near its centre.




Equipment and Acquisition Data
Telescope: SkyRover 130APO Pro
Camera: ASI6200MC Pro
Equatorial Meter: EQ6R
Filter: Optolong L-Ultimate Dual 3nm Narrowband
Processing Software: Pleiades Astrophoto PixInsight
Filter: Optolong L-Ultimate
Accumulated Exposure: 380min
Artwork from Optolong Remote Station